

Training tips, news & updates

Summer training tips

With summer just beginning we tend to become more active and with longer days, the temperature rising and, if you live in the northern states, so too the humidity which can have a great impact on your day to day health and performance.

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Aaron Ashdown
Early season strength training tips

For most endurance athletes the pre-season or early base phases consists of lower intensity and/or duration of endurance training which provides a great opportunity to improve maximal strength through regular strength training sessions. Strength training is safe and effective for most athletes and should be included as part of any comprehensive training program.

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Aaron Ashdown
Exercise Right Week 2017

Exercise Right Week 22-28 May 2017 is an initiative to raise awareness of the role of regular exercise in the health and well-being of all Australians and spread the message that appropriately prescribed exercise is as effective as many medicines for a range of chronic health conditions.

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Aaron Ashdown
How to include strength training for endurance sports

As a non-strength athlete, ie. not the primary goal of the sport (eg. triathlon, cycling, running, swimming, paddling, soccer, AFL etc), strength training should be used in addition to endurance training and has many health benefits along with performance benefits including creating a stronger, more powerful and resilient athlete

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Aaron Ashdown
Athlete Profile- Max Dennerstein

With no strength training experience Max has now become a regular in the gym and is making some great improvements in strength, power and mobility. He has achieved 2 recent PB’s this season taking 18 seconds off his 3km time and another 10 seconds off his 1500m time, both since commencing regular strength training

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Aaron Ashdown
Athlete Profile- Lindsey Lawry

Following his debut pro race at Geelong 70.3, I had a few questions for Lindsey to get his perspective on why strength training is an important part of his triathlon training. With a 6minute run split PB at Geelong, his training and racing is heading in the right direction… stay tuned for some great results in the near future.

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Aaron Ashdown
Why EVERYONE should strength train.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions placed around strength training. This may be a result of your stereotypical gym junkie throwing weights around in the gym and drinking protein shakes like they are going out of fashion or the many unfounded reasons why a lot of women and elderly people shy away from lifting weights.

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Aaron Ashdown
What is Exercise Physiology?

The role of the EP is ever increasing in today’s current society with physical inactivity one of the major causes of death and disease across the world. Exercise is one of the cheapest ‘medicines’ available to help combat the rise of chronic disease and obesity.

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Aaron Ashdown